It’s perfect and so soft! I love it!
The bbhugme Pregnancy Pillow is the perfect gift! What better way to show appreciation than giving the gift of a good night's sleep? I have personally purchased bbhugme pregnancy pillows for multiple employees in our company, and their excitement has been truly heartwarming. You are not only showing your employees that you value their hard work, but you are also giving them the gift of quality sleep and well-deserved rest. It's a gesture that will be cherished and appreciated during this significant chapter of their lives.
Bra produkt, fungerer som det skal. rask levering, 5 stjerner :)
Veldig fornøyd med trekket. Gjør at puten pyntet opp istedet for å måtte gjemme den triste grå greia :)
Den er akkurat det - utrolig komfortabel! Mitt førstevalg til natten, men kan fint brukes hele dagen også. Føles som å ikke ha på noe. Likte godt at den dras til siden for amming.
Amme-bh med god støtte og justeringsmuligheter, passer til alle stadier av ammeperioden. Den støtter godt og gir fint løft, ser fin ut også med klær over.
Komfortabel tights selv i siste del av graviditeten når man helst ikke vil gå med noe klær. Sitter godt over magen og sklir ikke. Ikke for stram, enkel på- og avkledning.
I think it's great that I can use them after birth too, they give me a little extra belly support. They were great in the middle of my pregnancy, but towards the end they were too small for my belly.
Great support. Keeps everything in the “right place”. Very comfortable material. Good breathability. Love that the solution is without seams.
Great support. Keeps everything in the “right place”. Very comfortable material. Good breathability. Love that the solution is without seams.
I loved the bra and the fact that it was without any opening/locking solution. Very easy to put on. It gives good support without feeling too tight, fits like a sports top. I easily got used to how to get the breast out in order to give the baby proper space around the breast.
The pillow is simply great and by far one of the best pregnancy and nursing pillows ever. Everyone falls in love with this pillow - I also bought 2 more for friends of mine who are not even pregnant who were amazed by the quality. It’s simply unbelievably comfortable to sleep with. The only thing is that for the two pillows I’ve ordered for friends I also got an additional cover for it which unfortunately I did not get for mine even though I only ordered it couple of days prior. An additional cover is actually necessary.
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